silouhette of person seating on stones behind body of water

The Inner Nudge

Do you constantly feel a deep nudging inside of you to intentionally create time to consecrate, dwell, and spend more time in God’s sweet, loving presence? I am aware of how busy one can get with the activities and responsibilities of life, so beaten that any extra minute to get more rest will mean a lot. The cares of life have brought us to the point that we often rush through prayers or don’t even pray at all, not to mention having time to study the word that ignites our spirit for the race we are on.

Knowing that time waits for no one, we have to intentionally re-strategize and map out time from the 24 hours we have been gifted for the things that matter to our well-being. I am not saying that every other thing doesn’t matter. Still, the one thing that oversees and takes care of the different parts of our lives, apart from spending time with family and creating memories, which is essential, is having a quiet, unrushed moment in God’s presence, unwinding, and just soaking in. No one comes out the same after such moments. 

His presence is direction  The word of God is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. [Psalms 119:105]

His presence is clarity – Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” [Isaiah 30:21]

His presence is peace – Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:7]

His presence is joy – You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. [Psalm 16:11]

His presence is healing – For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. [Jeremiah 30:17]

So today, I want to encourage you as I did myself some time ago. I got so distracted with the responsibilities of life that it stressed and drained me out. Please respond to the nudging to come deeper, dwell, and walk with Abba Father.

How and where to begin? Here are a few tips:

First, start by setting your heart right and genuinely commit. Asking the Holy Spirit to help you truly works.

  • Early Bed Time: Readjust your routine to accommodate you going to bed earlier than usual. {If you have kids, plan it around their bedtime}. It buffers extra rest time to enable early rising for you or your family’s quiet time of worship, prayer, word meditation, and positive declarations. 
  • Pick out a verse each day and meditate on it throughout the day. You will be amazed at how transformative that can be to your spirit, soul, and body.
  • Listening to Audio Bible: With this, you can get in more of the word and keep up with your planned daily, weekly, monthly or yearly bible reading.
  • Praying in Tongues: Praying in tongues increases our spiritual sensitivity and develop a deeper connection with God. We can communicate our needs and desires to God in a way that words alone cannot. It can be done anywhere, even while getting ready.
  • Listen to a sermon or podcast that enlightens your spirit: You can play it out loud in your home speakers. That way, your entire family are soaking in on the word also.
  • Pray/Worship as you go: I love this because my car is that room where I can make a whole lot of joyful noise, pray some more, and shout at the top of my voice without bothering anybody, especially when I am driving alone.
  • Keep your communication channel [your spirit] open and plugged into the source [God] at all times. keep your mind focused on Him no matter the distractions that come your way .
  • Be Consistent – No one is perfect; God doesn’t expect you to be perfect. All He expects is your total surrender and willingness. He is the one who will give you the strength you will need in this race. Every one of us is a work in progress, beginning with consistent baby steps that help you grow into quantum leaps.

By making a conscious effort to spend time in God’s presence, we can experience these profound transformations and live more fulfilling, meaningful lives.


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